October 8, 2022, St Petersburg (RU)
Alexander Kashpurin and ensemble played a wonderful concert at the Shostakovich St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonia. Music director of this project, Alexander played piano and harpsichord as well. Other musicians included Viktoriya Romanova (soprano), Togriy Bazhakin (baritone), Eugenia Sadovnikova (violin), Ksenia Gavrilova (piano, harpsichord), Boris Nikonov (percussion) and Nadezda Rogozina (staging, director).
The ensemble performed works by Bieber, Telemann, Barber, Kaldara, Perrote, Stravinsky, Pulcinella: Plavalaguna’s aria from the film “The Fifth Element” (G. Donizetti), The Brothers Four: “Grenfields”, Tariverdiev: “The Little Prince”, Schnittke: “Flight”, music from the movie “Tale of Wanderings”, and Suite in old style: “Revision tale” (fragments).