Andrew Levine ~ theremin

experimental, electronic

theremin ~ continuum ~ modular ~ sound engineer

Andrew Levine, born 1968 in NYC began playing violin at 6; later studied voice. M.A. at the University of Trier. Lived in Berlin, now residing in Hamburg. Video productions since 1998, from 2003 with an increasing focus on live concert recordings. Member of the Verband Deutscher Tonmeister, recipient of the Goldener Bobby award in 2014 and chair of the department of Music and Word Production.

Since 2010, Andrew plays the Moog Theremin, mostly in free improvising configurations. Added an 0-Coast synth in 2017, STEIM Cracklebox in 2019. A polyphonic Haken Continuum rounded out his set. US-tour (solo & duo) and four-day Theremin-festival in 2020. In 2021 a grant allowed him to expand his sonic palette with the integration of a modular setup. Upcoming tour with Quatuor BRAC and Katrin Bethge.

Andrew Levine on Theremin+synth & Continuum with Andreas Krennerich (Saxophones) and Gerd Vierkötter (Drums) live at Künstlerhaus FAKTOR (2021)